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Written By: Fancy Fish Tales


Mourning [A] BLKstar, a Cleveland-based collective of old souls, bringing forth timeless energy

and auric impressions. Their musical messaging is earnest, heartfelt, and meaningful. They

exhibit pertinent levels of awareness and emotional cognizance. "The Cycle" leads us through

seasons of the self, carried easily by strong vocals and complemented with thoughtful

background harmonies. Fortified with pieces of historical social commentary that reflect current

times. The group sings the songs of their hearts, fans the fire in their bellies, and invites

evolution of the mind.


"If I Can If I May," opens the album with finger-snapping, foot-tapping rhythms. Voices rich with

sweaty, smoky, middle of the night slow-grinding vibes. Mourning does not keep their pain to

hide, but instead carries it in their breast pockets and billfolds. The track "Sense of an Ending,” they

whip it slow and bring it home. The vertigo beat switch puts us riding shotgun with Sis, a familiar

feminine energy that counsels us to "never love alone". Whether they are vocalizing about

yearning to be "the lover you need, not the one you don't see," or "dealing with alotta shit,” the

contralto drawls over pulsing beats and the soprano soars relentlessly.


"Debtors" permeates a lovely, almost operatic resonance, while "Where They at" gives

unplugged jam session live. Within the organic atmosphere that their music creates, BLKstar

soulfully shoos the devil away, rebelliously calls the powers that be out on their shit, and unifies

us by exploring relatable, universal challenges.


"The Cycle" is an album that invites you to feel. To be courageous enough to navigate the

innermost crevices of the heart and embrace the triumph in survival and experience.

Reconnecting with a power that will always be there. Bend ya ear to it.




Devil get Behind me


January 26, 2021

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