JULY 17TH - 18TH 2021
Written By: Jewels Alexandria
(5 Minute Read)
What does it take to put on your own festival? Time, patience and persistency would be my guess. Well, Cleveland’s own Aphiniti, pulled off a beautiful festival, Big Phin Weekend. July 17th and 18th, 2021. “It is the first of many,”says Aphiniti. Two days of fun filled festivities for the family and for all. Imagine what this could be the start of. Lollapalooza, Coachella or even bigger. There is no such thing as thinking too big.
Day One July 17th: The Box Spot
Upon entering the facility, DJ Nu Era spinning loud tunes and laughter could be heard from every direction. Aphiniti greeted each guest with the same warmness and energy, basically made everyone feel like family. And even though the day started out with an overcast, Phin predicted sunshine by the end of the evening, and she was right. Aphinit opened the show herself with one of her own songs and got the people going.
Next up to the stage was the artist Name Jai. The energy she brought to the stage was exactly what was needed to get things going. In red Joggers and black combat boots, Jai showed she was not there to play around. She even brought her daughter on stage to perform alongside. Her biggest fan tag teaming along to every word and hitting at the ab libs in the right spots.
Then there is the group, Blazx Blazx, pronounced blasé blasé. The two artist came on the stage more like rock stars instead of rappers. Bouncing around in synchronized dance moves, head banging, hair swinging tunes. Their performance was outstanding.
Then there is an unknown artist under Aphinti. An artist she has been working closely with. The chemistry between the two of them is one like no other. Instantly, it seen that she is hungry for the music scene and will do whatever it takes to achieve this goal.
Day Two July 18th: The Crosslens
Believe it or not, day two was even bigger than day one. With even more vendors and more actives. A dunking booth, cotton candy machines, fire spitters this was everything you think of when you think, festival.
Once again to bring the crowd alive is Aphinti to open things up. This girls energy is unmatched. But to follow her is Mt Wabe and Lord Nique. The two begin with a song that the crowd seems to enjoy instantly and each song after left each listening craving for more.
All though I personally was not able to stay the entire night, I know each artist that came on after killed the stage. Aphini's choice of musicians is no coincidence.
Then there is Aphiniti herself. If you are looking to hear and see an outstanding performance, you have to see Aphinit perform. There is no wonder why she is as popular as she is. Between her beautiful personality, wonderful stage presence and catchy songs, it is all just a matter of time before she because the artist she is working so hard to become.
Be sure to check out her newest single, Artery on all major streaming platforms.
August 8, 2021